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Neues: Flüchtlingspatenschaft & Danke schön

Last updated on Januar 21st, 2017

Das Neuste von April 2016- Danke schön von Mary und Ritta:

My name is Mary. My family (James, Salwa, Andreh) and I were displaced from our country (Syria) because of war. We stayed in Lebanon for three years, among hundreds of Syrian families. The life in Lebanon was difficult but we had some relatives who helped us to overcome every difficulty. We tried to adapt there, but all the conditions were against it. In March 2015, we received a call from our cousin Nineve, and she told us the Canadian government accepts refugees and she asked if we want any help, and without thinking, immediately we accepted that and she carried out the necessary procedures. After many days, she said that she found a church who accepted our request. We were very happy. Finally the Lord responded to our prayers. The name of the church was the Martin Luther Church. Everything was perfect. It took about eight months. December 31st 2015 I got to Canada alone and after 15 days my family and my cousin got here too. After that we got the opportunity to go and meet with you, the wonderful members of the church, who helped us get a beautiful and safe life. We are whole heartedly appreciating everything you have done for us. We love you so much and will never forget this initiative, which gave us hope and the ability to be happy. We ask God to descend peace and happiness to all of you.
Thank you so much, with all the love and appreciation

My name is Ritta and I am 22 years old. I am an Assyrian Syrian girl. I came to Canada on Jan 14, 2016. It is a great experience to come to this beautiful country because here you will feel comfortable and safe. I really want to thank everyone in the Martin Luther Church who helped to bring me to Canada. You have turned my life from tragedy back to life. I saw in you all love, respect, and kindness from the first time we met. You made me optimistic and taught me how to forget the last horrible period of my life. When you invited my uncle’s family (James Rosto  family) and I  to attend the holy liturgy, we were so happy to be a part of that.
All the members of the church who I know and who unfortunately, I don’t know yet, nice to meet you all. I really appreciate your input to make us happy in different ways. My parents and I will never forget your help and support to bring them to Canada and to keep us together. I am so glad to have people like you in my life and I am sure that we will get closer and be one family. Thank you very much and God bless.


Endlich durften wir im Januar 2016  die Syrische Familie Rosto und Ritta, aus Lebanon kommend, in Toronto in Empfang nehmen. Innerhalb des ersten Monats begann der Vater der vierköpfigen Familie Vollzeit zu arbeiten. Somit sorgt er für den Unterhalt seiner Familie und ermöglichte einen sofortigen Einzug in eine eigene Wohnung. Ritta wohnt weiterhin mit ihrer Cousine.

Wir helfen jetzt als Gruppe bei der Integration. Die Unterstützung ist in Arbeitsfelder aufgeteilt, die von verschiedenen Gruppenmitgliedern ausgeführt werden, z.B. Ausbildung, Transport, medizinische Versorgung, Wohnen, Arbeiten usw.

Heute unterschrieben wir die Patenschaft für Rittas Eltern als Constituency Gruppe mit der CLWR und hoffen auf einen schnellen Immigrationsprozess.

In der Zwischenzeit arbeiten wir weiter mit unterschiedlichen Kirchen, Flüchtlingshilfsorganisationen und der Landesregierung. Dieses dient der Inspiration, gegenseitiger Unterstützung und Verfahrensverbesserungen.

Wir nehmen weiterhin Spenden für syrische Flüchtlinge entgegen die vor, während und nach ihrer Ankunft in Kanada benötigt werden, z.B. wir möchten die Familie zu unserem Sommercamp mitnehmen um ihnen die Kanadische Wildness zu zeigen. Alle Zeit und Geldspenden sind jederzeit herzliche willkommen.

Schließen Sie sich der Flüchtlingsgruppe der Martin Luther Kirche heute noch an und helfen sie Leben zu Verändern.

Kontakt: Marlena im Kirchenbüro, 416-251-8293 oder [email protected]

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