Weltgebetstag 2020 Simbabwe
Last updated on März 11th, 2020
Wir laden Sie ein am Weltgebetstag teilzunehmen oder einfach zu kommen und eine ökumenische Gemeinschaft mit uns am Freitag, dem 6. März, um 13:00 Uhr in der Christ Church St. James Anglican Church, 194 Park Lawn Rd, Etobicoke, zu feiern. Carol-Anne wird dieses Jahr die Leitung übernehmen und braucht helfende Hände, um Gott wirklich zu ehren, während wir die Menschen in Simbabwe kennenlernen.
Kontakt: Bitte wenden Sie sich direkt an Carol-Anne Foty, WDP 2020 Coordinator Christ Church St. James, dort wenn Sie an der Planung dieser Veranstaltung mitwirken können. Church office: 416-251-8711
Wir laden Sie auch zum deutschen Weltgebetstag am Dienstag, d. 10. März 2020 um 11 Uhr in die St. Georgskirche, 410 College St., Toronto, ein. Unser Seniorienkreis wird in dieser Woche, anstatt des üblichen Mittwochstreffens in der MLK, den o.g. Gottesdienst besuchen.
Painting Explanation by Nonhlanhla Mathe
The painting portrays people’s lives in society. Whereby the top background from right to left represents a transition from a dark difficult past as a nation to a more prosperous and promising future. The bottom composition is more a display of love, healing and reconciliation as inspired by the account in John 5: 2-9a. The part with vegetation is representative of the potential economic productivity since the nation has an agriculture-based economy. I do abstract and semi abstract figurative paintings with lots of texture and a colorful finish. I am very much inspired by people’s lives, the way they relate to each other and the way they view things. As a woman myself, I focus mainly on women. Empowerment is also displayed in the work.
Nonhlanhla Mathe Biography
Nonny Mathe is a Zimbabwean born artist who lives in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second largest urban centre. She studied art at Mzilikazi Art and Craft Centre in the late 90s. She has been practicing art for more than 15 years. She has done group exhibitions locally at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe and National Gallery of Bulawayo. She has had exhibitions across Africa – Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and South Africa – and in Denmark, at the Christa Tribal and Modern Gallery. Her first solo exhibition was at the National Gallery in Bulawayo, and the second was at The Dancing Fish Gallery at Madi a Thavha, Louis Trichardt. She has received an Awards of Merit in Heritage Exhibition as the best female artist in Visual Arts, Bulawayo. She was also nominated for best exhibition in the National Merit Awards. She is currently a resident artist at the National Gallery in Bulawayo.