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Sunday Funday am Pfingsten

Last updated on Juni 4th, 2020

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Welcome to Martin Luther Church Sunday School!

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Funday!
We’ve been talking an awful lot about stewardship lately – we’ve introduced what stewardship means, and that there are many ways to be a steward, which includes growing your talents and gifts. But this Sunday is extra special because it is also Pentecost. During Pentecost, we celebrate a time when God gave the people on Earth a super special gift – we’ll talk about what that is in today’s story, but think of it as a light God put in each and every one of us. Actually, Pentecost and stewardship might have something in common. Think of it like planting: seeds need soil from outside to grow, kind of like how we can grow our talents and gifts by looking outward to learn from others (remember that from last time?). But seeds also need something else to grow too, right? Light! In today’s lesson, we’re going to talk about how the light God gave us at Pentecost helps us grow our talents and gifts from within ourselves.

Before We Read and Watch Today’s Story…

Let me ask you…

Where do you think your talents come from?

What do you think about when you hear the words Holy Spirit?

What do you notice at church at Pentecost?

Why does Confirmation usually take place on this day?
The Confirmands decide to reaffirm their belief in God and to share their gifts in the community of believers.

When you read, watch, and listen to today’s story…

In your Spark Bible turn to page 502, did you find Bible Bug?
We call him Barnaby, what do you call him?

Let’s Think About That…

Before we go any further I think we need a sing/dance break!!! Sing along with this classic….

A Reflection on those wonderings

I wonder… 
Do you have any talents?
Where did they come from?
Did you have to work really hard to learn some of them or did they come naturally? 

That lesson from our spark bible comes from the book of acts in the bible, meaning the acts or actions of the apostles,  those were some of the really important people in the early church.  The passage talked about gifts, skills, or talents. I wonder, what are your skills, gifts, talents?  Are you really good at drawing?  Maybe like our friend Tanya you speak French really well…. she also sings really well,  maybe like our friend Emmy Lou you are an expert big sister…. our friend Alex is a very eloquent speaker, reader, and writer…. we have like Solveig and Jocelyn who are really great at growing, we have friends who can dance, sing, run really fast, so many gifts, what are yours?….  I wonder where do you think those gifts come from?    I will let you think about that and Update friends, I have planted my pole beans!  I think it was because I gloated about the success of my kale.  So here they are, a pretty big seed somewhere beneath the surface, I have hope and faith they are doing what they are supposed to down there.  I would love to burrow down and check but I will be patient.  I am not a green thumb or super steward but I am willing to learn and try, I am willing to care for these things.  FYI friends, all of these seeds were gifts from an organization that cares deeply for creation.  I wonder if this sounds at all like what we read or heard today?  Well let’s think about this, we heard today skills and gifts come from the Holy Spirit which is celebrated as a gift from God this Sunday.  So here is a seed: it was a gift, we can look at it as one of our gifts or skills.  It is given to us planted inside just like this is in the soil.  And what did we talk about last week? I wonder if you remember…. hmmm.  Well, we said that the little thing that makes all the difference with growing our seeds and our faith is… that’s right caring.  We can add gifts and skills to our list, just like this seed is a blessed gift, growing it will take care and caring is sharing, Jocelyn’s dad taught her how to grow her gift of growing, she shared that with us because she cares and now look at my kale.  The early church grew because of sharing and carton, our gifts will grow through sharing and caring, just like the song, don’t hide that gift that light under a bushel, let it shine and grow and share it! Amen!

Let’s Talk About How…

This week,
1.Learn how to say thank you in another language
2.Work on one of your skills
3. Share one of your skills

Don’t forget to share! Send us pics of you working on skills, sharing skills, and we want to see you planting efforts.  Show it off!

Instagram @YourSundayFundayCYFM

Envelope #2 Get Going, Get Growing, OUTSIDE!

Envelope #2 Get Going, Get Growing, INSIDE!

Don’t forget to show us what you made!

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Parents and guardians, we would like your permission to make a collage of the pictures you send us, we will publish it on our social media accounts.

As We Prepare to Say Goodbye For This Week Let’s…

Sing Our GoodBye Song…


Chorus: Be sheltered on serving paths.
Be protected in the middle of the night.
Through sunny days, storms and rain,
the Creator keeps watch over you.

1) In the middle of the gray everyday world,
which sang and soundlessly cramped me,
I hear a song that I like
and that gives me perspectives.

2) Sometimes when a day comes to an end
and the night penetrates all cracks,
I feel the wind that blows around us
and brings these lines with it.

3) Whenever we part,
I feel sadness, I feel alone.
And until we meet again,
the words should be your companion.


Ref.: Sei behütet auf dienen Wegen.
Sei behütet auch mitten in der Nacht.
Durch Sonnentage, Stürme und durch Regen
hält der Schöpfer über dir die Wacht.

1) Mitten in die graue Alltagswelt,
die sang und klanglos mich beengt,
höre ich ein Lied, das mir gefällt
und das mir Perspektiven schenkt.

2) Manchmal, wenn ein Tag zu Ende geht
und die Nacht durch alle Ritzen dringt,
spüre ich den Wind, der uns umweht
und diese Zeilen mit sich bringt.

3) Immer, wenn wir auseinandergehn,
spür ich Trauer, fühl mich allein.
Und bis wir uns einmal wiedersehn,
solln die Worte dein Begleiter sein.

Pray Our Goodbye Prayer

Visit our virtual prayer wall on Instagram to learn about prayer requests and leave your own prayers there!

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