Sonntag 20. November 2022 — CHRISTKÖNIGSSONNTAG
Gottesdienst vor Ort in unserer Kirche um 11.00 Uhr am 20. November 2022, Christkönigsonntag. Der Gottesdienst wird von Pastorin Annika Klappert auf English geleitet, mit Gastprediger Pastor Adam Snook, Assistent des Bischofs auf der Ostsynode, ELCIC.
Christmas Play Rehearsal at 9:30 am.
Rehearsals for our Christmas Play on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2022 are on Sundays at 9:30 am. Sign up now to participate and help coordinate! The theme is peace.
COVID-19 Update from Bishop Michael Pryse, November 14, 2022:
“I am once again strongly recommending that all participants return to wearing a well fitting mask during in-person worship as well as during all indoor social events.”
Special Appeal for Donations by our Church Treasurer Martin Haefele on behalf of Church Council
Our church has a large financial deficit. Donations to the general household are down and expenses are back to pre-pandemic levels. To be able to keep this church doing the good work it does, we need financial help. Please also keep the church in your prayers. If you have any questions, please contact Martin Haefele at 416 569 5408 or [email protected]
Renovation Project
Last Sunday November 13, 2022 during the meeting of the congregation, we voted for hope for a lively future rather than despair. Of the membership present (45 people in person, 5 online), 70% voted for the motion made by the renovation committee (Watson, Sommerfeld, O’Toole, Haefele, Klappert, Schweiger) to tackle extensive accessibility renovations in the back of the building and a more functional, welcoming foyer. We are grateful for the many hours of fact finding, discussion and discernment by our building committee and the excellent presentation of their motion.
Choir practice, Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in preparation for the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2022 and Christmas Eve, December 24, 2022.
Next week: 1st Sun of Advent, November 27, 2022
11:00 am English-German Service with our church choir on the 67th Anniversary of our Martin Luther Church
FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 Fundraising Events
We invite people to watch the German soccer team play in the group round of the FIFA World Cup at our Martin Luther Church as a fundraiser for our programs. Tickets are $10- pay in advance through Canada Helps or at the door. Please make a donation if you are unable to attend or can help even more. Coffee, tea and other non-alcoholic refreshments will be available for purchase. Contact Martin Haefele, [email protected] for more information.
Wednesday November 23, 2022 Germany against Japan.
Game starts at 8:00 am. Doors open at 7:30 am.
Sunday November 27, 2022, Germany vs Spain.
Game starts at 2:00 pm. Doors open at 1:00 pm.
Thursday December 1, 2022, Germany vs Costa Rica.
Game starts at 2:00 pm. Doors open at 1:00 pm.
Worship Schedule Jan-Easter 2023
Together with the Pastor, church council has come up with a 3-month plan for worship services in the new year, considering our current resources, both of volunteers and our financial deficit situation. From January to March 2023, there will be 2 services on Sundays every other week: 9:45 am English and 11:00 am German (about twice per month). On the other Sundays, there will be 1 bilingual service at 11:00 am. We will revisit this worship model in the new year based on attendance and the development of our financial situation.
Die Predigt wird live aufgezeichnet und später als YouTube-Video auf unserer Online-Gottesdienste-Webseite archiviert.
Hören Sie unsere deutsche Radioandachten, die jeden Sonntag um 9.30 Uhr auf CHLO Radio AM 530 live gesendet werden und später als Podcast-Aufzeichnung auf unserer Radioandacht-Webseite archiviert.
Neuigkeiten finden Sie unter:
Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7
Tel.: (416) 251-8293 [email protected]
Folgen Sie der Martin-Luther-Kirche Toronto in den sozialen Medien:
Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).