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Good Friday – 10:30 Uhr Englischer Gottesdienst in der Mimico Baptist Church, 80 Hillside Ave, um mit unseren ökumenischen Partnerkirchen am „Lakeshore“ zusammenzukommen


März 29    
All Day

Good Friday March 29, 2024 – 10:30 Uhr Englischer Gottesdienst in der Mimico Baptist Church, 80 Hillside Ave, um mit unseren ökumenischen Partnerkirchen am „Lakeshore“ zusammenzukommen. (

Mar 29, 2024 Good Friday
10:30 am English Service at Mimico Baptist Church, 80 Hillside Ave, to gather with our ecumenical partner churches on the Lakeshore: Christ Church St. James Anglican Church, Mimico Presbyterian Church, Wesley Mimico United Church and the host Mimico Baptist Church

This service will bring together a number of Good Friday traditions. Our journey will follow the text of the passion narrative from the Gospel According to John and will take us to seven stations. As each station comes to us, we will have a reading of the text, a visual image, a reflection and an extinguishing of a candle followed by a prayer. You are invited to enter into the experience of Christ and to receive the significance. – Pastor Jim Sanderson, Mimico Baptist Church,

You can download the order of service.


11:00 Uhr Deutscher Gottesdienst mit Abendmahl und unserem Kirchenchor in der Martin-Luther-Kirche Toronto

Evangelisch-lutherische Martin Luther Kirche
2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7
Tel.: (416) 251-8293 [email protected]

Pastorin Annika Klappert

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Die Martin-Luther-Kirche Toronto ist Mitglied der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Kanada (ELCIC) und Partner der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).

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