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First worship service with our new Vikar Moritz

Last updated on July 31st, 2015

Vikar Moritz Menacher
Vikar Moritz Menacher

Sunday June 7th was the first worship service with our new Vikar Moritz Menacher from Germany. Since his arrival he has been to the Youth Group event in High Park, the Women’s Group at the Wienecke farm, a website committee meeting, a Bible study, a Delmanor Prince Edward Retirement Residence service … shadowing Pastor Ceconi everywhere.




[posted May 27, 2015]


Moritz Menacher 2015
Moritz Menacher 2015

+++ update on May 30 +++ Moritz Menacher missed his connecting flight in Frankfurt. His flight from Hamburg was delayed and Air Canada didn’t wait for him. So he will arrive tomorrow (Sunday) at 11:30am instead of today (Saturday). If we are very lucky he will make it for coffee and cake after the service. If not we will have an open house at the parsonage and give him a warm welcome there. +++

Meet Vicar Moritz Menacher! He will arrive from Germany on Saturday May 30, 2015 and you can meet him at church on Sunday May 31st. So come and see and welcome him! Just in case you don’t know yet: Moritz got married to Hanna on May 15th, 2015. Hanna will arrive in July here in Toronto.

[News, Congregational Newsletter May-June 2015]

“Dear Martin Luther Church Congregation, […] I am really looking forward to getting to know you and the Martin Luther congregation! It will be a great pleasure for me to celebrate and pray with you, to share happy and sad times, to talk about heavenly and earthly things; in short: to live with you! The idea behind “living together” is one of the most important parts of my belief: Jesus taught his disciples in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” So we can find Jesus in our lives when we share it with others and we can be sure that Jesus is there among us.

Moritz Menacher 2015
Vikar Moritz Menacher 2015
[…] My own story did not start with the choice to become a pastor, but with the decision to become a scientist. After my B.Sc. in Molecular Biotechnology, I became interested in bioethical issues and took classes at the department of theology and there, I got to know the church as a community where I could be who I am. So I became an active church member and later on, I decided to be a pastor. I want to send a “Thank You” in advance, especially to those of you, whom I already had contact with. You were and are so heartwarming and welcoming towards me and my wife that our time in your congregation cannot be anything but a great time! Yours sincerely, Moritz Menacher”

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