Last updated on January 17th, 2024
“Lutherans by the Lake, Celebrating faith, Serving and inspiring people”
Worship services are the cornerstone of Lutheran Faith. They teach, strengthen and inspire us to live faithful lives through the word of God presented in the scriptures, through sermons and Holy Communion. We value traditional and contemporary music to enhance the worship experience. Our worship is inclusive to all. Generally, we celebrate Sunday services at at 11 a.m. sometimes bilingual, sometimes in German.
Liturgical Year
The NAME of each Sunday comes from the ELCIC’s Worship Planning Calendar -Advent, 2023 to Reign of Christ, 2024 – The Year of Mark + Year B [PDF]
Evangelisches Gesangbuch: Für Gottesdienst, Gebet, Glaube, Leben
In the German Service use the Evangelical Hymnal for Wuerttemberg which gathers materials for the worship as well as essential texts of Christianity, meditative pictures, prayers and texts for everyday life. The song part contains the common songs of all Protestant churches in German-speaking countries. The songs are arranged according to the church year and church services, but are also based on basic human issues such as fear and trust, justice, dying and eternal life.
The 684 songs are online and listed in this database:
The text compiles all the basic texts, such as the Lord’s Prayer and Creed. In addition, prayers and meditative texts invite to various stages of life such as birth, marriage, illness and aging, to engage in the hymn book beyond the service and to be accompanied in everyday life.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (The Red Songbook)
In the English service we use Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) which gathers materials for worship as well as simple daily prayer services, all 150 Psalms, a calendar of daily readings, and Luther’s Small Catechism. The hymn book was published in 2006 as a collaborative effort between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. There are ten liturgies, or settings, for Holy Communion which draw on the varied expressions of the Lutheran church in North America, both historical and contemporary.
Like the Evangelisches Gesangbuch, the 743 hymns in the book are arranged according to the church year and church services as well as themes of grace, faith, confession, community in Christ, and witness.
Within the liturgical section of the book are services for various stages of life such as birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage, illness and funerals.
An index of the hymns can be found at
Children in Worship
Children get the opportunity to participate in the first part of the service, during Children’s Time. Sunday School continues with a child-friendly program lead by Sunday school leaders and usually takes place on the first and third Sunday of each month.
Devotional Resources in Print and on the Web
These are some of the devotionals which our congregational members are reading.
Gott für uns
Our Daily Bread
Portals of Prayer
Kirchenjahr Evangelisch
( in German) Discover the church year, its high holidays, its texts and its customs.
Special Services
Our liturgical life also goes far beyond the usual Sunday worship. This includes a Christmas Play, an Easter sunrise service at Lake Ontario, an outdoor service with a church picnic, and mid-week services during Lent.
Photogallery look back at our Special Services
Outdoor service with a church picnic
Sunday School Christmas Plays on 3rd Advent
Easter Sunrise Services