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Last updated on July 20th, 2024

1. E-transfer to our Treasurer at
When sending e-transfers, please remember to include a your mailing address in order to recieve an official tax receipt. Also, add a note about what you would like to donate for, e.g. in memory of, in honour of someone.

2. Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
Participate in the automatic donation program with monthly withdrawals from your bank account. Download the PAR Information Sheet and Donor Authorization Form, print, fill out and mail to: Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church 2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, ON M8V 1B7. Questions to church office: Tel.: (416) 251-8293,

3. Mail Cheques to the Church Office (address as above) Please do not send cash in the mail.

4. canadahelps-donate-logo “CanadaHelps”

Click on logo to open website. Select designation. The registered charity “CanadaHelps” will appear on your statement and tax receipts directly from Canada Helps will be sent right away.

solidbrass offering collection plate

5.  Leave a Legacy Gift to the Church in your estate planning

We welcome your philanthropy! We will be extremely grateful to all members and friends who will leave a lasting legacy with a planned gift to support the Martin Luther Church and its ministry for future generations.

Planned gifts include bequests, gifts of life insurance, donations of securities, and RRSP/RRIF gifts.

Here are the Top Ten Reasons to give the gift of a legacy to the church

1. People like you are INHERENTLY GENEROUS.
2. You may not even be able IMAGINE the kind of IMPACT your gift can have.
3. With a legacy gift, you can take advantage of some very favourable TAX INCENTIVES.
4. With strategic or bequest giving, you too can be a “PHILANTHROPIST.”
5. Canada has the MOST GENEROUS TAX INCENTIVES in the world for charitable giving.
6. You can fully ELIMINATE YOUR TAXES by giving to charity in your will – it’s actually radical!
7. If you have an estate that results in a big tax bill on the FINAL TAX RETURN ON YOUR ESTATE, you can claim gifts equal to 100 percent of your income in your final year of life and one year back. If you give enough, it can wipe out taxes on the FINAL RETURN. Thus, your family would not pay taxes on your estate.
8. Leaving a legacy gift is NOT about “giving to charity and disinheriting family” – rather, it is about going through a process of BALANCING.
9. You can actually LEAVE MORE MONEY TO YOUR CHILDREN by leaving a gift to the church.
10. While many of us would prefer not to think about what happens after we’re gone, PLANNING AHEAD IN A POSITIVE WAY CAN HELP US FEEL A WHOLE LOT BETTER ABOUT IT.

NOTE: Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church, like all Canadian churches, is completely dependent on donations, grants and volunteers. Contrary to the German model, it receives no tax dollars in funding.

To be able to keep our church doing the good work it does, we need financial help. Please consider donating all year round to keep our doors and programs open.

Do you like what we do?
Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Confirmation Classes, Worship Services, German Radio Devotions, Home visits, Newsletters, Senior Outreach and Birthday Cards, Bible Study, Camp, Group Activities, Choir, Food Ministry, Dinner Church, Refugee Support, Neighbourhood Gardens.

How can you help us help others?
Contribute time and/or money so our bilingual congregation may continue to celebrate its German heritage and the Lutheran denomination while serving you, our neighbours and friends from all walks of life, for many years to come.

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