Worship Schedule model: September to December 2023 *New*
Last updated on December 16th, 2023
UPDATE There are changes for the English services. For the Fall 2023 we will try out a new worship service model.
As the English services were not as well attended as the Bilingual services and German services in the past 6 months, we looked for a worship setting that suits a smaller group better.
On Sundays where there is a German service at 11:00 am, we will have an English devotion at 9:45 am with a simple liturgy, music provided by pastor and volunteers and conversational elements. Then, from 10:15 – 11:00 am there will be time for fellowship (and coffee if possible). German-speakers are invited to come early if they want to participate.
On Fridays when there is Dinner Church by the Lake, there will be no English devotion on the following Sunday morning.
*Original Post Aug 1, 2023
On January 29, 2023 the church council came up with a worship schedule model for services in the new year, considering our current resources, both of available volunteers and our financial deficit situation.
There will be two services on a Sunday every other Sunday: 9:45 am English and 11:00 am German. On the other Sundays, there will be one bilingual service at 11:00 am. We will revisit this worship model later in the new year based on attendance and the development of our financial situation.
Please also note that the our Tech Team will only be recording special services in the new year. The Tech Team will be available for weddings, funerals, and baptisms with a commensurate donation to the church.
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