Last updated on November 30th, 2024
Dinner Church by the Lake involves a simple meal and a short devotion based on the community meals of the early Christians. Held once a month – midweek – usually on a Wednesday at 7:00 pm, between Maundy Thursday to November.
Volunteer helpers are welcome for setting up and taking down tables and chairs, putting place settings on tables, and bringing food.
Sometimes we have guest speakers from the community. If no one is available, then our pastor or vicar/intern holds a short devotion.
To join the Dinner Church planning team, please contact [email protected]
Our 2024 Dinner Church by the Lake 2024 sessions, at 7:00 pm:
Wednesday January 31, 2024 with Pastor Annika Klappert: Bible meditation
Maundy Thursday March 28, 2024: Reflection on the Last Supper; songs from our Church Choir
Wednesday April 24, 2024: Lay preacher Katja Brittain – about acts of kindness and gratitude
May 29, 2024: Pastor Tuula van Gaasbeek about food ministries at St. Philips Lutheran Church
June 26, 2024: Lay preacher Iris Schweiger about the Seven Sacred Teachings of the Anishinaabe
July 31, 2024: “Dinner Church Camp” in the backyard with camp songs and fun activities
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 with Pastor Nkanyiso Kingdom Maphumulo
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 with Vicar Alice Rothgordt
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 with a review of the year
April 6, 2023 – Maunday Thursday, May 3, 2023 – Pastor Annika Klappert, June 7, 2023 – Jocelyn Sommerfeld, July 12, 2023 -GARDENS Lakeshore, August 23, 2023 -in the church backyard, September 29, 2023 – around the firepit in the backyard with Intern Jessica Glasner, October 27, 2023 – Tanya Zielke and a Martin Luther quiz, November 24, 2023 – a review of the year,
April 14, 2022 Maundy Thursday Dinner Church, a team effort. May 18, 2022 our guest speaker was Intern Nefeli Xiggos. June 15, 2022 our guest speaker was Natalie Sharpe from Stonegate Ministry. July 20, 2022 our guest speakers from Friends of Humber Bay Park and Bees for Peace.
March 24, 2021, Rev. Brian McIntosh (Bloordale United Church) spoke about Indigenous right relations including the TRC process, the 94 Calls to Action in its 2015 report, and the church’s need to recognize the harm we’ve done in Residential Schools. April 28 2021 we gathered for a time of sharing in the Word, prayer, and learning with Barbara Sheffield (Islington United Church) who spoke about interfaith and refugee work. May 19, 2021, our guest speakers were Carrie Dohe and Anne McArdle who spoke about “Bees for Peace”. This project creates paths of peace between communities of faith through protecting the bees and other creatures that pollinate our flowers and bring nourishment to our bodies. June 23, 2021, our Interim Pastor, Dr. Gerhard Hille, spoke about spirituality – despite dementia. July 27, 2021, we held our first in-person Dinner Church since the start of the pandemic in 2020 and met outside, in front of our church entrance. September 22, 2021 our guest speaker was Rachel Reesor who informed us about the project of the Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment in Etobicoke ( October 20, 2021 our new Pastor Annika Klappert led a devotion and shared her musical talent with us. November 17, 2021 Dinner Church team effort.
January 8, 2020 ou Vicar Silke Fahl led a reflection on the New Year. February 5, 2020 our guest speaker was Dr. Clarise Chan, Clarity Wellness Chiropractic ( March 4, 2020 Dinner Church by the Lake our guest speaker was Vicar Silke Fahl on the topic of “Confidence! 7 weeks without pessimism“ The coronovirus crisis hit in Canada with a nationwide lock down starting March 16, 2020. See our blog “COVID-19 Church Closure” dated March 11, 2020. May 13, 2020, at our first online Dinner Church with Rev. Dawn Leger of St. John’s Anglican Church led the reflection and discussion. June 17, 2020 at our second Dinner Church online our guest speaker was Bob Sharkey from Wesley Mimico United Church. He shared how volunteers support people with food deliveries while the Food Bank is closed. September 16, 2020 at our third online Dinner Church with Vicar Jordan Smith lwho ed a reflection on “gathering and harvest” and spoke about the “Give Peas a Chance” project and the new Food Bank at Saint Pius X Catholic Parish (2305 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6S 1P1) in Bloor West Village. See Blog: See what grows when you Give Peas a Chance October 14, 2020 our fourth online Dinner Church was led by Vicar Silke Fahl with a reflection on Thanksgiving and gratefulness. November 4, 2020, our fifth online Dinner Church .We gathered on Zoom for a time of sharing in the Word, prayer, and reflection with our guest speaker was Rev. Denise Gillard, Senior Leader of Denise Gillard Ministries, Founder and Executive Artistic Director of The HopeWorks Connection, and the Senior Pastor at Kingdom City Church, G.T.A. December 16, 2020 we gathered online for a time of sharing in the Word, prayer, and reflection with our interim Pastor Dr. Gerhard Hille.
Pancake Tuesday, March 5, 2019 our guest speaker was Tanya Zielke, Early Childhood Educator, John English Public School. April 3, 2019 our guest speaker was Carla Neto, Community Program Manager, Women’s Habitat (Shelter & Outreach) 140 Islington Ave, Etobicoke, ON M8V 3B6 May 1, 2019 our guest speaker was Rev John Kim, Coordinator Spiritual & Religious Care, Lakeshore Lodge Long-Term Care Home, 3197 Lake Shore Blvd W, Toronto, ON M8V 3X5 416-392-9400, [email protected]

June 5, 2019 Dinner Church by the Lake our guest speaker was Emily Slotegraaf, Stonegate Ministry and Great Finds thrift store ( She spoke about things relevant to the community, like poverty and loneliness. All are welcome to donate gently used items to the thrift store at 2358 Lake Shore Blvd West. A donation bin is at the back of the building to drop off items on the weekends. [Great Finds thrift store has since closed] September 4, 2019 guest speaker was Teresa Kurek, Martin Luther Daycare Supervisor. October 9, 2019 our guest speaker was Sandra Van, GARDENS Advisory Council Co Chair, who spoke about the Gardens Pod Project November 6, 2019 we welcomed Karen MacPherson from the Wesley Mimico United Church Food Ministries as our guest speaker. December 4, 2019 Consultant Hannah Johnston led us into the season of Advent. In 2019 we were glad to receive a grant from the ELCIC Women of Faith Fund. We look forward to developing this fellowship around food, especially with the help of Hannah Johnston who worked on Dinner Church as community coordinator at St. Lydia’s church in Brooklyn, New York.
A video production Being Neighbour: It’s called Dinner Church, produced by Lutherans Toronto, on August 29, 2019 (4.40 minutes) invites their neighbours to mid-week worship, built around conversation and a meal. For some it’s an alternative to Sunday worship and for some it’s a chance to braid the week together at church and enjoy a relaxed time in community.