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Christmas Bazaar – on First Advent Sunday December 3, 2023 from 12 noon to 2:00 pm

Last updated on December 16th, 2023

2023 1st Advent, BazaarUpdate – Our annual Christmas Bazaar on Sunday December 3, 2023 was a success!
Plenty of beautiful and tasty goods were donated this year by our generous congregation, friends and families of Martin Luther Church. It takes the efforts of many volunteers working hard in the weeks leading up to the Bazaar to come up with some beautifully hand-crafted gifts, delicious and artfully presented baking and preserves to name only a few. Many smiles, good conversations over a scrumptious lunch of bagels, soup, waffles and gluehwein were had.

In addition to being a fun social event for our church, it was also a fundraiser – and we did make a profit! Final numbers are not quite in, but we can safely say that just over $2400 was raised in a mere 2 hours! So, not only can we thank those who donated goods, but we also thank those who showed up, brought friends/neighbours, set up tables, washed dishes, worked cash tables, sold Christmas trees, served lunch, and helped to celebrate the Christmas season with their generosity buying gifts and lunch at our Bazaar.

September 26, 2023 – Kick off your Advent season with our Christmas Bazaar in the church on December 3, 2023 from 12 – 2:00 pm!

We have some fantastic items for sale this year, such as jam, knitted socks, straw stars, baked goods, makeup bags, fleece hats, wood coasters, cards, and more! And come hungry because you’ll be able to buy waffles, bagels, soup, apple crumble, and rinse it all down with a hot mug of traditional German Glühwein (non-alcoholic). Plus we have unique Charlie Brown trees for sale – straight from the woods of Muskoka!



Our annual Christmas Bazaar is just around the corner, and we’re in search of both crafters and volunteers to make this festive event wonderful. If you’re passionate about the holiday spirit looking to showcase your unique creations, we invite you to join us. This is your chance to share your crafts, delicious treats, and one-of-a-kind gifts with our church community.

We welcome volunteers to help with various aspects of the bazaar, from setup and decorating to assisting visitors, assisting crafters at their tables; and ensuring everyone has a great experience.

Together, let’s make this Christmas Bazaar a celebration for all to enjoy! Join us and be a part of the holiday magic in December.

If you are interested in becoming a crafter (to bake, sew, carve, knit, weld, draw, paint or create something wonderful), please contact us for more details.

We had some amazing offerings in last year’s Bazaar that were a success, so stretch your imagination and consider what you can do to contribute. Some ideas may include: Christmas wreaths, baked goods, homemade jams/jellies/spreads, homemade breads/buns, soaps/scrubs, Christmas decorations, wooden crafts/decorations, paper stars, notecards, beaded jewelry, knitted mittens/socks/hats/cowls, artwork, and gift certificates.

Christmas Bazaar 2023_Painted AcornsDeadlines: Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in participating, but ideally no later than Sunday November 19, 2023 (items don’t have to be ready by then, they just have to be ready by Saturday December 2, 2023 – we will be setting up as much as possible the night before). Last minute arrivals will be accepted on the day of the event, but it would be nice to know what you can contribute in advance.

We also need 6-8 dedicated volunteers to assist with the setup the night before, and on sale day. We need volunteers to work the cash tables, help with selling baked goods, etc. Please let us know if you have time and are interested in helping. For any teens that can volunteer, we will happily sign your high school forms for volunteer hours!

With warm regards, and creativity,
Your 2023 MLC Christmas Bazaar coordinators: Jocelyn Sommerfeld and Leanne Grammenz

P.S. This is not a garage sale. Please only consider contributions that you or someone you know created themselves!

Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7
Tel.: (416) 251-8293

Pastor Annika Klappert

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Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).

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