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2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER – 9:45 am English Service and 11:00 am German Service – TWO WORSHIP SERVICES


Apr 16    
All Day

Sunday, April 16, 2023  – 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER – 9:45 am English Service and 11:00 am German Service – TWO WORSHIP SERVICES. Also available off-site, listen to our German radio devotions which air every Sunday at 9:30 am live on CHLO Radio station AM 530 (a multilingual radio station) and later archived as a podcast recording on our Radio Devotion webpage.

Worship Schedule January to Easter 2023
Together with the Pastor, the church council has come up with a 3-month plan for worship services in the new year, considering our current resources, both of available volunteers and our financial deficit situation.

From January to March 2023, there will be two services on a Sunday every other Sunday: 9:45 am English and 11:00 am German. On the other Sundays, there will be one bilingual service at 11:00 am. We will revisit this worship model in the new year based on attendance and the development of our financial situation.

Please also note that the Tech Team will only be recording special services in the new year. The Tech Team will be available for weddings, funerals, and baptisms with a commensurate donation to the church.

April 16, 2023, 2nd Sunday of Easter
9:45 am English
11:00 am German

April 23, 2023, 3rd Sunday of Easter
11:00 am English-German Service

April 30, 2023, 4th Sunday of Easter
9:45 am English
11:00 am German

Save the Date:
1000 Island Outing to Rockport, Ontario, June 4, 2023. Sign up now!
Family Camp at Camp Lutherlyn, August 7-13, 2023. Sign up now!

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You can find further news at Church News-Blog:

Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7
Tel.: (416) 251-8293

Follow the Martin Luther Church Toronto on social media:

Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).

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