Sunday February 26, 2023 — First Sunday of Lent — 11:00 am English-German service with Holy Communion followed by our Annual General Meeting at 1:00 pm
The Martin Luther Church extends its heartfelt gratitude to both Iris Schweiger and Martin Haefele whose tenures will be ending at the 2023 Annual General Meeting as they have fulfilled their six years of duty (3 + 3 years) as per the Martin Luther Church constitution. We are again aiming to have a full council roster of 12 members.
The 2022-2023 Church Council comprises: Iris Schweiger (President), Kai Herrmann (Vice President), Martin Haefele (Treasurer), Andrea Dannecker (Interim Secretary), Mona Kakoschke Frantzke, with Tanya Zielke on leave of absence.
Serving on the Martin Luther Church’s church council is a great opportunity for anyone who is passionate about giving back to our church community.
“Are you interested in how a non-profit is organized? Taking on responsibilities for any of these tasks would be greatly appreciated.” – Martin Haefele, Finance Team
We especially need help on the finance team where we are looking for volunteers to help with planning, reporting and budgeting. And, an envelope secretary. We use PowerChurch software in the office with which we can connect from home.
Would you like to be involved in shaping the future of our Martin Luther Church in Toronto? Are you curious about the inner workings of the Martin Luther Church?
Have you been engaged at the team level and want to take your involvement to the next level? We invite you to consider joining the Council! It is an enriching experience and an amazing personal and professional development opportunity. We hope to have representation from both our German and English congregational members, spanning all ages and irrespective of how long you have been at our church: from millennials to retirees, from newcomers to long-timers.

Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7
Tel.: (416) 251-8293
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Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).