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THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT -11:00 am bilingual English-German FAMILY Service -“Walking with Jesus from darkness into the light” Jesus’ pilgrimage to the Cross and what makes Lent a hopeful season


Mar 12    
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March 12, 2023 THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT 11:00 am English-German FAMILY Service

Dear families… On March 12, 2023 the FAMILY service the topic is “Walking with Jesus from darkness into the light” we will learn about Jesus’ pilgrimage to the Cross and what makes Lent a hopeful season.

Once-a-month English-German Family Service 2023

Beginning January 15, 2023 once a month we will offer a bilingual family service especially for families with smaller children. Our idea is to start the service together and then invite children into the Sunday School Space to play, craft and sing together while the service goes on upstairs for the adults. This will only work if we have at least one parent who is ready to supervise the activity. Please come on family service Sunday or let us know, if you are able to help out, so we can create a roster for the next couple of months. – Pastor Annika Klappert

Also available, off-site on SUnday mornings, listen to our German radio devotions which air every Sunday at 9:30 am live on CHLO Radio station AM 530 (a multilingual radio station) and later archived as a podcast recording on our Radio Devotion webpage.

Family Services 2023

March 12, 2023, 3rd Sunday of Lent
11:00 am English-German FAMILY Service -the topic is “Walking with Jesus from darkness into the light” we will learn about Jesus’ pilgrimage to the Cross and what makes Lent a hopeful season.

April 9, 2023, Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service at 6:30 am at Humber Bay Park West followed by Easter breakfast (coordinator and cooks needed) and 10:00 am FAMILY Service with Church Choir

Save the Date and sign up:
Dinner Church April 6, 2023 (Maundy Thursday) at 7:00 pm
1000 Island Outing to Rockport, Ontario, June 4, 2023.
Family Camp at Camp Lutherlyn, August 7-13, 2023.

Subscribe to our Email List at to be informed of our goings-on.

You can find further news at Church News-Blog:

Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7
Tel.: (416) 251-8293

Follow the Martin Luther Church Toronto on social media:

Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).

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