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Last updated on July 25th, 2017

If you are baptized just send a declaration of membership with the membership form below. In any case, our pastor will seek out a personal meeting with you. You will be officially welcomed as a new member during a church service (don’t worry, you don’t need to make a speech).

Download Membership Form

If you are not yet baptized, membership is conferred through baptism. You will have the opportunity to learn about the Christian faith in depth before baptism. In conversations with our pastor, you will go on a journey that speaks to you.

What rights and responsibilities go along membership?

As a member of our congregation, you can make decisions about the life of our church, elect the church council, or nominate yourself at the Annual General Meeting.

We would be happy if you attend worship services with us and perhaps you will also find an area of our congregation you’d like to participate with. A congregation lives off the people who – based on their personal strengths – shape it.

Is there a membership fee?

Our congregation is fiscally responsible and we are proud of this. There is not a set amount you have to donate because we trust that our members will donate enough so that all of our programs can run. The main way we support the work of our congregation is through the collection during services. We donate about ten percent of money collected to projects by the greater church body, such as “Canadian Lutheran World Relief”.

We are registered as a charitable organization so your donations are tax deductible.

You don’t pay taxes in Germany?

Then you also don’t have to pay church taxes in Canada. If you are used to paying the church tax in Germany, consider donating the same amount to your church in Canada in order to continue to do good.

For your reference: The church tax, depending on the region in Germany, is generally 7-9% of your salary or income tax amount.

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