Mission Fund Seminar Jan 19th following the worship service
Last updated on January 26th, 2020
In 2018, the Martin Luther Church received a generous donation from a congregational member for the purpose of expanding the missionary work of the Church.
To ensure that this donation has a long-lasting impact in our community, it was invested in a fund managed by the Evangelical Lutheran Foundation of Eastern Canada (ELFEC). A Mission Fund Committee was established by our church council to oversee the fund’s growth and make recommendations to council for how funds ought to be used. Sylvia Kunde (Chair), Pastor Ceconi (ex officio), Martin Haefele (Treasurer), and Trevor van Ingen (Secretary) are honored to serve in the committee’s first three year term.
The goal of the Mission Fund is to preserve and grow the fund’s principal, and use the fund’s investment income and dividends to support the Church’s mandate of serving others in the community. This mission work must have a local focus, with a view towards have sustainable long-term impacts in the community.
Four key priorities have been identified:
1. supporting children and youth for educational or respite purposes (eg. church camp for underprivileged children, field trips and attendance fees to multi-faith youth gatherings, tuition support, leadership focus);
2. supporting the disadvantaged in our community in accessing critical support,
3. support change in the community, through development of programs, spaces or resources; and
4. support regular local programs (e.g. Dinner Church by the Lake, outreach).
Evangelical Lutheran Foundation Of Eastern Canada
The Mission Fund Committee is pleased to be able to invest funds with ELFEC because of their commitment to investing money in socially responsible ways. In addition to bonds and equities, a portion of the Mission Fund is invested in “Impact Investments”: investments into companies and organizations that produce positive social and environmental impacts as well as financial returns. Elimination of poverty in Canada, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and promotion of sustainable
use of our environmental resources are key ELFECT Impact investing priorities. Quarterly financial reports are provided regularly to highlight market activities.
Currently, the Martin Luther Church Mission Fund is about half way to the goal of achieving a principal amount of $50,000 invested, after which income may be distributed on mission work. To help the fund grow and serve the community, the Mission Fund Committee is asking you to consider making a charitable donation towards the Mission Fund. Besides regular weekly or monthly contributions, consider that one of the easiest, simplest, and least expensive ways of making a donation to the Mission Fund is through planned giving in a person’s will.
For more information on leaving a gift in your will, please visit
Support to the Martin Luther Church Mission Fund means a long-lasting commitment towards worthwhile endeavours to enrich the community „in mission for others.“ The Mission Committee would like to thank all of those who have already donated towards the Mission Fund.
We would like to host a seminar about planned giving in November or December 2019 and invite Jeff Pym, the Executive Director of ELFEC to speak to us. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sylvia Kunde who will coordinate the session. Furthermore, should you have any questions about the Mission Fund in general or wish to discuss further details, please also contact any of the Trustees, Martin, Trevor or Sylvia.
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact: The Mission Fund Trustees. Sylvia Kunde, Martin Haefele, Trevor van Ingen via the church office at [email protected]