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See what grows when you Give Peas a Chance

Last updated on August 6th, 2020

Alex’s Plants in June

Summer Update- Alex’s “Give Peas a Chance” Experience

To get the seeds was a nice thing that I was not expecting. It was great to be getting the seeds, especially since the plants that we had at home unfortunately did not make it through last winter. Now, since it is the right season for planting and keeping plants, it is wonderful to get some seeds. Especially, since these include various types of plants that some kids may not know so well…
These days, I enjoy going to water them everyday while seeing them getting bigger each day and more leaves sprouting. Now, my peas are between 5 and 6” and I see the start of what I hope are pods. As for the other plants, they are still just beginning to sprout as I see some signs of green in their pots as well…
And so, I am glad to have received these seeds as it gives me something to do during the pandemic. I hope that this is something that catches on with other people at other churches as I find it’s fun to see the progress of each of the plants everyday as I wait to find out when they (hopefully) become “full grown.” I can’t wait for them to start sprouting!
Alex’s Plants in July

As spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner let’s talk about growing, sharing, and our community.

The Bible is strong on gardening. Whether in Genesis, Jeremiah or the Gospels, gardens play a prominent role in God’s plans. It all started in The Garden. A garden is a wondrous place where we can “meet” with God and marvel at the Creator’s miracles. It’s a place to love your neighbour
through sharing, care for creation as stewards, and of course growing veggies.

We have been gifted seeds through Plant-Grow-Share a Row ( and would like to encourage you to sign up to participate in this growing project. This will be a partnership with Martin Luther Church, Fabulous Fridays Mimico, Plant–Grow– Share a Row, the Children’s, Youth, and Family Ministry Teams of both Martin Luther and Redeemer Church, and will support our local food banks.

When you register a package of seeds will be prepared for you considering your gardening prowess and space. We have seeds and support for our balcony aficionados, windowsill hopefuls, and outdoor gardening pros. This community building opportunity will support those in need and allow us to serve as stewards of creation. Together let us grow the good.

If you need additional information or you are already excited you can reach out and register now by contacting Vicar Adam at

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