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Join Virtual Summer Camp, Aug 15-21, 2020

Last updated on August 27th, 2020

Read a letter from our camp director [PDF]

Beginning on Saturday August 15, 2020 you can check out our Martin Luther Facebook page @MartinLutherChurchToronto, Instagram account @lutheransbythelake and YouTube playlist to get your daily dose of camp. Watch short videos that your counsellors have prepared for you and try out the activities with your family.

Each day from August 15 through to August 20, 2020 will be a new activity, until the last day of camp, Friday August 21, 2020 when we say goodbye with a special Martin Luther Church at Camp Lutherlyn closing ceremony and sermon.

Please email a photo or video by August 19, 2020 to Vicar Jordan Smith, [email protected], telling us why you love (virtual) camp. Have someone take a photo of you holding up a sign “I love camp because…. “ or do something fun and creative! You might have a chance to see yourself in the camp farewell and/or our next church newsletter.

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