Shoreline Tidy-Up a success! 83.1 lbs of garbage collected
Last updated on September 7th, 2021
Update: On Saturday August 14, 2021, a whole team got together at Etobicoke Point (Lake Ontario – Humber Bay Park West) for a shoreline clean up and we all worked hard and gathered a total of 83.1 lbs of garbage. Ilia and his grandma collected the most and they also found an arrow. – Maliha
July 22, 2021 – Shoreline Tidy-Up at 10:00 am and Picnic at noon on Sat Aug 14th
Save the date!
We are having a Shoreline Tidy-Up followed by a picnic on Saturday August 14, 2021 at Etobicoke Point in Humber Bay Park West (location of our Easter sunrise service)
Shoreline Tidy-Up at 10:00 am
-Bring gloves, masks and garbage bags
Our goal is for each person to try and clean-up one a pound of plastic around the lake shore.
Picnic at 12 pm noon
-Bring your own lunch or visit the Humber Bay Shores Farmer’s Market
Email Michelle at [email protected] for more information and to sign up! You can also sign up on Eventbrite at