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Pastor Annika Klappert’s January 2022 Devotion

Last updated on February 23rd, 2022

I was touched by Eberhard Münch’s motif for the 2022 Bible verse, John 6:37: Jesus said to them, “anyone who comes to me I will never drive away.” In the middle, shining in the light, stands a figure with outstretched arms, almost outshone by the light and yet clearly recognizable.

I perceive different people around it; some are very close, they can almost touch the person in the middle; others are further away, alone or in groups. And on the very outside, at the edge, there are only shadowy lines, lines that somehow also belong to it. A warm orange, wide, transparent circle lies over the scene, broken up in three places and in the middle by light – an implied cross.

In the lower right corner of the picture, this warm veil has been lifted so that one can better see the people standing there. They appear in bright colors and cast shadows, which fall behind them due to the light emanating from the center.

For me it becomes clear in this picture: Everyone, whether young or old, rich or poor, believing or doubting, knowing or searching, is welcome here. We are invited to approach with confidence the mystery that we call God and to entrust ourselves to his love. We are welcome with our light and our dark sides and are allowed to bring our joys, worries and needs to him at any time. But this year’s Bible verse is not only a statement that Jesus makes about himself, I also read it as a directive for our church congregation: Be open, do not close your ranks, but let your light shine outwards! Welcome everyone who is in your company and has questions for or about God, or maybe just a deep longing to belong.

I pray for strength and wisdom for all of us as we consciously try this year to pass on God’s welcoming culture in some way to the people we encounter, who we meet in and outside our church, who touch our hearts. Amen.

-Pastor Annika Klappert Cell 416-567-2487 [email protected]


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