11:00 am English-German Service led by Pastor Ceconi & Vicar Silke Fahl with Installation/Godspeed of Lay Leaders + Sunday School
Altar Flowers
Sign up on the list in the church entrance for the calendar 2019-2020. Arrange to have flowers delivered or drop them off before the services on Sunday. You can also donate to the flower fund.
Please notify the church office of your plans. You and the person(s) you are donating for will be included in the church announcements.
Contact: Church office, Tel: 416-251-8293, churchoffice@martinluther.ca
Fragrance-Free at Church
Many people are affected by these products: perfumes, colognes, aftershave, scented deodorants, laundry soap, fabric softener, hair sprays and body creams. For the health and consideration of people who come to this place of worship, please refrain from using fragrances and other scented products.