Special Refugee Service on Sunday September 15 at 10:30 am
Last updated on September 21st, 2019
To: A Special Refugee Service with Holy Communion
When: Sunday September 15, 2019 at 10:30 am (Note special time).
Why: To achieve a better understanding of the over 70 million people displaced around the world.
With: Our friends from Christ Church Saint James Anglican and Executive Director of Canadian Lutheran World Relief, Rev. Dr. Karin Achtelstetter
Next: a delicious Potluck Lunch featuring soup and sandwiches at 11:45 am.
Learn: How is helping the refugee ingrained in the Lutheran experience?
Ask: How does Lutheran World Relief help 2 million refugees around the world every day?
Finally, a FORCED TO FLEE Interactive Simulation at 1:00 pm, designed by Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
In small, comfortable groups you will be asked to consider the following scenarios:
A bad drought. Protests. A violent government response. Within days, your peaceful community has become a conflict zone. Step into the shoes of someone displaced from their home by conflict. Working together with a group that represents your family, you’ll have to make difficult decisions to try to secure a safe future.
WHAT WILL YOU DO? Note that this activity is especially recommended for young people who seek to understand what it’s like to be forcibly displaced.
We hope that you can join us for this special service, potluck meal and interactive activity.
Pastors Christian Ceconi and David Smith and Members of the Martin Luther Church Refugee Support Team
Contact: Please contact the office if you can help with the potluck.