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Help our new Bowls and Blessings Food Ministry Coordinator, Emma

Last updated on January 4th, 2024

Can you help prepare and/or serve soup? We are looking for volunteers to help with Bowls and Blessings food ministry in front of the church at noon on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please contact the office to sign up: [email protected] Tel.: (416) 251-8293

Bowls and Blessings food ministry is a mission to serve homemade soup outside that has inspired a community of warmth and generosity.

Thank you to our neighbours and friends who donate food, clothing, face masks and more. Thank you to all the volunteers that make soup and help serve. Without you all Bowls and Blessings Bowls would be empty. Special thanks to Rawle who delivers bread and treats donated by Paris Bakery. Special thanks to The Portuguese Chicken House for making and serving food on several occasions.

The Community Food Pantry in front of the church continues to be open for the community. There are also plans to add a community bookcase in partnership with the Wesley Mimico United Church.

There is also a clothes rack which provides a place to quickly give and take clothes.

Check out our Bowls and Blessings page on Facebook:

Welcome Emma, our Bowls and Blessings coordinator!
Hiya! My name is Emma. I’m a small town British girl, now living in the big city. I lived in Bordeaux, France previously. I’m a mother, a wife, a writer, and an advocate for pancreatic cancer and endometriosis. My life motto is to make a difference wherever I can and also to create positivity spanning out around me. I accept payments in the form of smiles and laughter.

The summer of 2021 on my usual daily walk, music blaring from my headphones, wearing my yellow jacket, a skip in my step and in a world of my own, the revealing of the pantry outside the church sparked my interest. I thought this was a great idea for the community and proved to be so. I signed up to help with a park clean-up, which was very successful. Then I signed up to help with “Bowls and Blessings” and again I see the positive impact this has on our community. I love being able to help, chat and connect with those in our community. I have met so many lovely souls through the church. I love that there is such an amazing sense of community. I really feel like I found somewhere I belong.

Please pop by between 12 and 1pm for our delicious soup, or just for a chat. Interested in volunteering? Please contact me at [email protected] or the church directly for more information. Hours volunteered can count towards community service hours for those in high school.

The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live. Proverbs 15:27

Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. Luke 12:15


For more information see our Bowls and Blessings Food Ministry webpage.

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