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Last updated on December 8th, 2023

Confirmand's Retreat
Confirmand’s Retreat

Confirmation is not only a step to your adulthood as a part of the church and the world. Confirmation is above all, the affirmation and a clear ‘yes’ to your own Baptism.

Before you can say yes, you have to understand what you are agreeing to. This is why we offer a Confirmation course beginning in September and ends with Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday.

Confirmation – What does that actually mean?
Many may still remember their own confirmation as an exercise in memorization: the 10 Commandments, Psalm 23, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer….
Of course, dealing with the basics of the Protestant faith is still part of it – in a form that suits the young people, their language and their world. The emphasis is on finding answers to the questions that young people ask – who is God for me? How can I believe? What does the Christian tradition of over 2000 years have to do with my life?

Another core element of any confirmation class is forming a sustainable community. Playing together, eating together, celebrating together, preparing and organizing church services, exchanging ideas, perhaps even disagreeing at times, and yet working together toward a common goal. This is what young people can experience with us.

The word confirmation comes from Latin and means: to strengthen, to consolidate. Our meetings are supposed to help participants to confirm the “yes” to faith that was pronounced for them when they were baptized as small children. Our goal is to encourage them in this process: To show them that they are loved by God, and how they can deal with the fact that no one is perfect – both in themselves and in others. We hope that this Lutheran travel kit will be of help for the participating youth and their families on their exciting journey into adulthood.


For questions and to register, please contact Pastor Annika Klappert, cell: 416-567-2487, or the church office. It is aimed at young people who will be in grade 7 after the summer holidays or who are 12 to 15 years old (exceptions are possible in consultation).

Not baptized yet?

No problem. You do not have to be baptized to attend the confirmation course. Just come and see if faith is your thing. If you decide to go your way with God, then the way through the baptism during the Confirmation time leads to the confirmation.

Confirmation 2023 – There was no confirmation in 2023.

Confirmation 2022 – (with Pastor Annika Klappert and Vicar Adam McComb)


Confirmation 2021 – Michelle Brennan and Kristine Stuef (with Vicar Adam McComb).

Confirmation 2020 – (with Vikar Jordan Smith and Vikar Silke Fahl).

Confirmation 2019  –There were no Confirmands in 2019.

Confirmation 2018 – (with Pastor Christian Ceconi)

Confirmation 2017 

Confirmation 2016

Confirmation 2015

Confirmation 2014

Confirmation 2013

Confirmation 2012 – Arvind Häfele, Sebastian Schill, Philip Schwenteck, Felix Sennecke, Jana Walkowski, Lukas Wintersperger (with Pastor Alexander Mielke)

Confirmation 2011 – Graham Buceta, Derek Frantzke, Veronika Mielke, Samuel Rosati, Amy Schweiger, Marc Schwenteck (with Pastor Alexander Mielke)

Confirmation 2010 – Rhys Buceta, Sonja Schweiger (with Pastor Alexander Mielke)

Confirmation 2009 – Lukas Frantzke, Benedikt Mielke (with Pastor Alexander Mielke)

Confirmation 2008 – Niklas Benseler, Nadine Jongsma, Katrina Kumpa, Nicholas Rosati, Jocelyn Sommerfeld, Franz Zultner (with Pastor Alexander Mielke)

Confirmation 2007 – Naledi Cheda, Mark Emanuele, Fynn Wolf (with Pastor Stefan Wolf)

Confirmation 2006 – Stephanie Boyce, Allison Ganter, Annika Rinas, Ella Rinas (with Pastor Stefan Wolf)

Confirmation 2005 – There were no Confirmands in the year 2005.

Confirmation 2004 – Andrew Boyce, Adam Eisfeld, Stephanie Englert-Rygus, Matthew Ganter, Lea Horn, Andrew Mahon, Sophia Mama, Brandon Myronuk-Horn, Timothy Spreen, Mackenzie Walker, Gregory White, Merlin Wolf, Andreas Zultner, Julia Zungri (with Pastor Stefan Wolf)

Confirmation 2003 – There were no Confirmands in the year 2003.

Confirmation 2002 – Erika Frischkorn, Monica Frischkorn, Christopher Mahon, Corey Myronuk-Horn, Alexander Rygus, Jan-Lukas Wolf (with Pastor Stefan Wolf)

Confirmation 2001 – Nicole Koo Tze Mew, Stefan Rinas, Peter Karthaus, Ryan Boyce (with Pastor Stefan Wolf and Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)


Confirmation 1997 – Geoffrey Eisfeld, Cheryl Karthaus, Alexander Stoefer, Alexander Wilhelm (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

Confirmation 1996 – Andrea Wienecke, Tanya Zielke (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

Confirmation 1995 – Vanessa Alexandra Fiebig, Mark Alexander Fiebig (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

Confirmation 1994 – Lisa Carl, Patrick Eisfeld, Yvonne Karthaus, Aaron Nieschulze, Christina Wienecke, Richard Zungri (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1993 – Lisa Indriksons, Thomas Wienecke (with Pastor Eberhard Schwantes)

1992 – There were no Confirmands in the year 1992.

1991 – Marcus Arndt, Tania Arndt, Karla Elizabeth Herrmann, Jerry Rabba, Klaus Schneeberger (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1990 – Monika Budnik, Leona Kummer, Martin Wiegers, Peter Wienecke (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1989 – Jennifer Grammenz, Heide Grotsch, Anita Karoline Gutsch, Karin Gutsch (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1988 -Beverly Budnik, Michelle Flisar, Matthias Gutsch, Richard Herrmann, Mark Mittag, Marnie Peter, Lisa Ratz, Walter Ratz, Joanne Rey (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1987 – There were no Confirmands in the year 1987.

1986 – Kirsten Brandt, Andreas Grammenz, Derik Grammenz, Christian Gutsch, Mark Kulz, Werner Ratz (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1985 – Gerhard Aukstekalnis, Jennifer Becker, Anja Bosch, Olaf Brandt, Sonja Carl, Tamara Fleischmann, Stefan Grammenz, Elke Gutsch, Ingrid Ottner, Christian Schmidt, Sybille Scholz, Astrid Starke, Erik Weigelin, Susan Wiegers, Karen Zimmer (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1984 – Lynda Car, David Eisfeld, Elisabeth Feyerabend, Sylvia Stephanie Gutsch, Ralph Kutz, Frank Lein, Ronald Lein, Nicole Mittag, Susanne Nitschke, Ulrike Nitschke, Nicolette Quasdorf, Colette Rabba, Nicole Rabba, Mark Scholz, Gordon Weber, Mark Weber (with Pastor Eberhard Schwantes)

1983 – Erika Abony, Alexandra Silke Bowk, Carol Ann Brauer, Peter Eric Alexander Budnik, Rosemarie Feyerabend, Sandra Greiling, Gerald Groetsch, Thomas Huff, Annemarie Neukom, Paul Christian Nigol, David Runge, Randy Schonert, Susan Tittlemeier, Stephanie Wiegand (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1982 – Susan Burschberg, Robert Eisfeld, Dirk Gebhardt, Karsten Gebhardt, Andre Thomas Gutsch, Heidi Hartl, Heidi Polnau, Andrea Schloegl, Kerstin Zimmer (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1981 – Sandra Betke, Anne Kekkonen, Ingrid Kessler, Martin Klett, Mark Neukom, Karin Pruenoschat, Christian Sator, Corinna Schmitt, Linda Soostmeyer, Christine Soostmeyer (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1980 – Sylvia Abony, David Betke, Tina Brozach, Frederic Budnik, Peggy Burschberg, Frank Grotsch, Orville Hendricks, Isabel Kleinau, Thomas Kleinau, Brigitte Kubialka, Gerhard Runge, Judith Schonert, Carol Schuster, Kaja Werbus, Peter Woessner (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1979 – Matthias Rucht (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1978 – Linda Bernt, Udo Bohmann, Rudolph Bojanowski, Carsten Brandt, Susan Eisfeld, Peter Ganter, Ronald Ganter, Heidi Gutsch, Martin Koronkiewicz, Ronald Mayer, Ivette Penno, Astrid Penno, Peter Rinas, Karin Runge, Sabine Schloegl (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1977 – Yvonne Burschberg, Michael Car, Ralph Ganter, Nicole Gayk, Catharina Gutsch, Marlies Hendricks, Thomas Knuth, Christine Liske, Grant Mandau, Brian Mayer, Philip Neukom, Richard Ottner, Christine Sator, Richard Sator, Harry Schonert, Harry Schulz, Rene Mark Seefeld, Ralph Redman (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1976 – Thomas Aukstekalnis, Richard Betke, Elizabeth Mayer, Martin Pahnke, Frank Polnau, Richard Schmidt, Peter Schnick, Richard Spreen, Alinda Redmann, Susan Zabel, Sigrid Zabel (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1975 – Robert Berg, Anna Berndt, Corina Gayk, Sylvia Gemeiner, Bonnie Horn, Ron Jendpy, Christa Kriese, Rosemarie Sator, Susanne Schloegl, Monika Stelter, Heidi Stelter, Curtis Wehrfritz, Susan Weigelin, Christine Weigelin, Norman Wendtland (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1974 – Heidi Jonuschies, Christine Guschewski, Peggy Seifert, Christine Kleinau, Diana Vetter, Renate Aukstekalnis, Monika Schmidt, ____ Horn, Mark Rinas, Hubert Ottner, _____ Reuse, Kurt Schnick (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1973 – Gary Peter, Werner Pahnke, Wilfried Pahnke, …

1972 – Wilfried Betke, Jacqueline Czernecki, Thomas Klett, Karl Ernst Kriese, Karen Liske, Sylvia Littek, Marita Mandau, Heidi Mayer, Norman Polnau, Pierre Bruno Reinert, Gerhard Strauss, Monika Walker, Martin Weigelin, Birgit Weigelin (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1971 – Reno Indriksons, Mona Kakoschke, Edeltraut Koronkiewicz, Linda Scheibelt, Fred Spreen, Heidi Walker, Ina ____? (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1970 – Martin Bachner, Harald Gorney, Richard Hack, Marianne Hentzelt, Irene Hentzelt, Monika Jonuschies, Karin Klett, Heinrich Koronkiewicz, Angelika Reinert, Ronnie Sadkowy, Michael Schwantes, Harry Spreen, Axel Vogt, Wolfgang Wehrfritz (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1969 – Thomas Albrecht, Wanda Cichocki, Heidi Ganter, Erika Gemeiner, Claudia Graeber, Steffi Heller, Christine Horn, Christine Hornung, Harry Indriksons, Vernon Kakoschke, Birgit Kurschner, Eric Matto, Armin Pfister, Christine Pohle, Eddie Ratz, Brigitte Reinert, Michael Rucht, Gundrun Skawradschun (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1968 – Inge Hack, Robin Porr, Ruth Ratz, Alfred Redman, Karin Rinas (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

1967 – Monika Koronkiewicz, Thomas Kress, Chrystel Ottner, Hartmut Pleschke, Hans Vetter (with Pastor Eberhard W. Schwantes)

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