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7:30 pm Concert -Canadian Foodgrains Bank campaign to end world hunger


May 14    
6:30 am - 9:00 am

7:30 pm Concert – Canadian Foodgrains Bank campaign to end world hunger

Particpants in the choir arrive at 6:30 pm

Canadian Foodgrains Bank -logosquareThe Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church and Wesley Mimico United Church, are doing a joint concert to support the Canadian Foodgrains Bank campaign to end world hunger. In the past two years over 50 communities across Canada have put on concerts like this focused on the issue of global hunger. We are joining in on this major food justice effort in which 100% of monies raised go the Canadian Foodgrains Bank . These donations are matched by the Canadian government on a 3:1 basis (three dollars for each one donated).

The concert “Common Vision: Singing to End Hunger” will take place at 7:30 pm on Monday, May 14, 2018 at Martin Luther Church, 2379 Lakeshore Blvd West, Etobicoke and will feature the music of well-known choral music composer Ron Klusmeier. Sung by the choirs and interested singers of both congregations. No tickets will be sold. Admission is by donation only.

For those who wish to join the choir, Marion Abbott, the Music Director at Wesley Mimico United Church, invites you and any interested singers from the area to contact her directly at and she’ll send you all the necessary information. The choir will sing eight songs in total, all written by Ron Klusmeier. Sheet music will be sent out to all participants in advance to aid in at-home rehearsals.

All singers will rehearse together Wednesdays April 25th, May 2nd, and, final rehearsal on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.  Location to be sent to you. It promises to be a great time of fellowship, worship, and raising money for a fantastic cause!


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