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World Day of Prayer 2005 (Cook Islands) -11:00 am GERMAN service for the German Cluster at Martin Luther Church (Vicar Alice Rothgordt) followed by fellowship


Mar 7    
All Day

Friday March 7, 2025
World Day of Prayer 2005 (Cook Islands) -11:00 am GERMAN service for the German Cluster at Martin Luther Church (Vicar Alice Rothgordt) followed by fellowship

Can you help with coffee and cake/hospitality? You can bring food (dessert, fruit tray, etc), supplies (coffee, tea, milk, cream) and/or help with set up, serving and clean up: washing dishes and wiping tables. Stacking and putting away chairs. Sign up to help with hospitality.

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Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).

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