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Blessing for a New School Year on Sep 11 and A Welcome to Intern Luisa

Last updated on September 30th, 2016

Luisa Lenz 2016 MLC Intern
Luisa Lenz 2016 MLC Intern

Services with Blessing at the Start of the New School Year on Sunday September 11, 2016

It’s “back to school” after the summer holidays and for many back to church, too. This year we will combine the two and invite all children and youth to the English and German services. Children who are going to school for the first time (and all other children who’d like) will be blessed during the service.

Definitely mark your calendars: Sept. 11, 9:45 am in English and 11:00 am in German.

Registration for young people (12-15 years old) is still possible, to attend Confirmation classes starting September 24-25, 2016.  Confirmation on Pentecost 2017.

A Welcome to Intern Luisa Lenz

During the services we will also be welcoming Luisa Lenz who is interning in the office for 4 months from September 1st to December 31, 2016 and is staying in Toronto until January 29, 2017. Luisa’s projects: Confirmation classes, Christmas Play, Martin Luther Church Day Care (one day a week), and “German Meetup Group”. Here’s the introduction she wrote for our Aug-Sept 2016 congregational newsletter:

My name is Luisa and I am 22 years old. I am studying religious education at a protestant college in Freiburg/Germany. During my 3rd semester of studies I get the chance to do a practical semester in a foreign country and I am really excited to come to Toronto and meet your congregation. I am curious to learn more about working in a church.

I enjoy working with children and young people and I have a lot of work experience in this area. I’m looking forward to working in Toronto, learning new things and handling new challenges. My goal is to become a part of your church and to gain experiences which I can take back to Germany to implement in my future workplace.

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