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Learn about the Seven Sacred Teachings of the Anishinaabe

Last updated on August 13th, 2024

UPDATE: (printed in Summer Newsletter)

What did we learn about the Seven Sacred Teachings of the Anishnaabe?
We were introduced to the Seven Sacred Teachings of the Anishnaabe over 7 weeks, May 26-July 7, 2024 in our Radio Devotions, Sermons and Dinner Church. What did we learn? Perhaps you remember a certain animal that symbolizes one of the teachings stood out: the bear for bravery,beaver for wisdom, turtle for truth, wolf for humility, sabe for honesty, buffalo for respect,or the eagle for love. Maybe you remember one of the Bible verses that was chosen for a teaching. It’s possible that the whole topic was confusing, uncomfortable, or didn’t explain the Indigenous perspective enough from your perspective. Whatever the case may be for you, we hope to keep learning and continuing (the sometimes difficult) conversations about Truth and Reconciliation as Lutherans by the lake.

“Of all the North American Indigenous teachings, the Seven Sacred Teachings, also known as Seven Grandfather or Seven Grandmother Teachings, are the most commonly shared from coast to coast. Many Indigenous organizations and communities have adopted the seven guiding principles, in one form or another, as a moral stepping stone and cultural foundation. Each community has adapted the teachings to suit their community values. Despite where the teachings may have originated, they share the same concepts of abiding by a moral respect for all living things.” – Seven Weeks for Seven Sacred Teachings, p. 5

May 11, 2024 -We invite you to learn about the Seven Sacred Teachings as they will be the topic of the sermons at our Sunday worship services and our weekly German radio devotions from Sunday May 26 to Sunday July 7, 2024, as well as Dinner Church on Wednesday June 26, 2024 at 7 pm.

Drawing from resources of the Eastern Synod’s Circle for Reconciliation and Justice (CRJ) and a 2023 art exhibit called “A Visual Reconciliation”, Pastor Annika Klappert and Lay Preacher Iris Schweiger will engage us with wisdom of the Seven Sacred Teachings of the Anishinaabe, also known as the Seven Grandmothers or the Seven Grandfathers.

Each of the teachings is symbolized by an animal: truth (turtle), love (eagle), humility (wolf), honesty (raven), respect (buffalo), bravery (bear) and wisdom (beaver).

About two years ago, Pastor Annika Klappert and Iris Schweiger joined the Circle of Reconciliation and Justice at the request of our Eastern Synod here in the eastern part of Canada. They were looking for people who were interested in learning more about our Indigenous neighbors and our shared history. The mission of this group is to advise and support communities so that together we can learn how to support ongoing efforts by First Nations, Metis and Inuit to address the devastating effects of colonization.

The Circle for Reconciliation and Justice (CRJ) invites all churches in Canada to reflect and learn about Indigenous culture and spirituality as part of our Reconciliation ACTION in response to TRC Call #60 as a larger community. Like many other Lutheran churches, we are offering seven weeks of reflection in our worship services and on the radio on the wisdom of the Seven Sacred Teachings.

The initiative began with an exhibition at Martin Luther University College ( in Kitchener last fall. Dazauggee, also known as Paul Shilling of Rama First Nation, had asked three other artists from different backgrounds to creatively engage with him about the Seven Sacred teachings. The resulting artworks were then accompanied by seven weeks of prayers and devotions by Rebekah Ludolph, PhD. She linked biblical texts and theological thoughts to these teachings and recorded how we understand them in our faith tradition.
We will take the exhibition and devotions as a template, adapt them to our particular preaching situation and translate them into German, as well.

We will endeavor that this cross-cultural exploration will strengthen our capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy and respect in faith.

God bless us
Iris Schweiger

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