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Pentecost – Celebrating Confirmands – with Reception and Tour of our Church Renovation

Last updated on May 27th, 2024

UPDATE May 19, 2024 We enjoyed a wonderful service including an insightful sermon from Pastor Annika Klappert (, a performance by our Church Choir under the direction of Linda Marcinkus (, an Affirmation of Faith, and Holy Communion. We could learn from a fun quiz about Pentecost facts by Tanya Zielke. After the service there was an opportunity to tour our newly renovated church spaces, with a unique map drawn by our Vice President, Jocelyn Sommerfeld! We would like to thank all members of the Building Project Team for their involvement in this endeavour, and especially Dan and Matthias for their many hours of volunteer work.

We also had a fantastic luncheon in our backyard. There were tasty pizzas from local restaurant Pizza Therapy, various donated salads, and even an ice cream station! It was lovely to get together, particularly in such nice weather. A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who made this event possible!



May 11, 2024 – Pentecost, on Sunday May 19, 2024 at 11:00 am our bilingual German-English Worship Service with Holy Communion and Church Choir we will be celebrating Confirmands and our Affirmation of Faith! We will also welcome new members.

Pentecost is the birthday of the church and we invite you to celebrate with us! On this Sunday we will bless all members who are confirmed, as well as those of you who want to affirm their faith or become new members of our congregation.

Afterwards we invite you to a light lunch and reception!

RSVP with your Confirmation year and to help with hospitality. Please bring a salad to share.

Come see the changes in our church building!
Following the Pentecost service, there will also an opportunity to tour our newly renovated spaces. There is a kitchenette and storage room in the foyer, a coat rack at the back of the sanctuary, new fire doors to the basement, as well as a laundry room and preschool program room for the child care which can be accessed by a ramp in the backyard.

See photos of the process on our website:

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