Dinner Church by the Lake at 7:00 pm **Thursday (not Wednesday)*** with guest speaker Heather Medhurst, Coordinator Spiritual & Religious Care, Lakeshore Lodge
We will gather at our church for a time of sharing in the Word, prayer, and learning with guest speaker Heather Medhurst, Coordinator Spiritual & Religious Care, Lakeshore Lodge.
Dinner Church involves a simple meal and service based on the community meals of the early Christians.
Register with the office churchoffice@martinluther.ca or on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dinner-church-by-the-lake-registration-214903781997
Please consider donating to local partners providing food to our neighbours.
To help set up, join the planning team or to suggest a topic or guest speaker, please contact Andrea Dannecker, dinnerchurch@martinluther.ca