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ELCIC Assembly 2023 Theme “Let There be Greening” & our Gardening Project

Last updated on December 10th, 2023

The 2022 and 2023 National Church Convention was guided by the theme “Let there be greening”. I got to learn about, discuss and share, with Christians from all walks of life, a deep love for creation; the creation of all types of people and how that translates into a joyful, accepting church that nourishes people in faith and body. Please visit the ELCIC Assemby website for topics and decisions from June 2023. You may also read the highlights by Pastor Lindsey Jorgensen-Skakum – ELCIC 2023 Special Convention Report.

Having reflected on the theme in the fall of 2022, the church council decided to apply for a grant to partially fund the pollinator garden and extend the raised beds- one small way our church tries to become more visible and giving in our direct neighbourhood. It was granted.

Now, it is time to work on our dream. Are you a builder? Gardener? Would you or your family like to donate your time and skill to help with the project of building a raised bed, or maybe filling this raised bed with appropriate soil, or are you more of a planter/gardener? Please contact Marlena at the church office if “let there be greening” is a project that speaks to you.

Iris Schweiger

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