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Last updated on April 16th, 2015

Newsletter for Easter 2021 photo of front page (4x3)

Our Congregational Newsletter for Easter 2021

is ready to download and read… In this Issue: • Vicar Adam McComb's Lent devotion • Looking back at a very unconventional year 2020 • A call to action • Services coming up online for Holy Week and Easter 2021…

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Newsletter Schedule for Easter 2021

Holy Week and Easter 2021 Schedule

    Map to Humber Bay Park West - Etobicoke Point Easter Sunday April 4, 2021 6:30 am Easter Sunrise Celebration and 7:30 Easter Celebration followed by an Easter Egg hunt with Vicar Adam McComb. Two outdoor Easter celebrations will…

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Empty Pulpit at Martin Luther Church 2020 Seeking New Pastor

Search for a Pastor: Background information

  Our congregation had applied to the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) to fill the position, left vacant, by Pastor Christian Ceconi. The EKD Council approved this request and agreed to provide a new pastor from August 1, 2021. The…

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Dinner Church Online resumes Mar 24

Dinner Church involves a simple meal and service based on the community meals of the early Christians. During this time of physical distancing, we have moved Dinner Church online through Zoom. On Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm, we…

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Eastern Synod 2021 Ash Wednesday poster

Eastern Synod-Wide Ash Wednesday Worship

Dear friends, Bishop Michael and his Assistants are deeply looking forward to gathering with you for our Synod-Wide Livestreamed Ash Wednesday Service on February 17, 2021 at 6:30pm on the Eastern Synod Facebook Page. All worship materials have now been…

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Bible Study Detouring with Mark Invite poster

Bible Study during Lent: Detouring with Mark

Once again, we’re going to offer a Bible Study. This 2021 Lent we’re going to read some texts in “Mark” together. The Gospel of Mark is often referred to as a passion story with a long introduction. Therefore, our Bible…

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Devotion and Detour with Pastor Dr. Hille

Dear members and friends of the Martin Luther Church: You remember: At the end of the worship service, we are dismissed with a blessing. "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you,…

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Zoom Sunday coffee hour

Sunday Coffee Hour on Zoom at 11:30 am

Church Council will be hosting a moderated Sunday Coffee Hour at 11:30 am to approximately 12:30 pm. Watch our Online Worship Service on your own at our YouTube channel at on Sunday mornings and anytime on our Online Worship webpage.…

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2020 Masks for Good on a line at front door

Masks for Good

Our project Masks for Good continues into 2021. If you have time, talents, questions and funds, please reach out to Vicar Adam McComb ( and Iris Schweiger , President, Church Council ( about how to add to the projects.” July…

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Bowls and Blessings

Continues in the new year 2021... Hot, homemade soup-to-go Mondays and Thursdays, 12 pm until 1 pm or when we run out. Contact our president Iris at to help. We thank our fellow soup-makers, servers and supporters for the…

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2020 MartinLuther statue with logo mask-4x3

Church Announcements during COVID-19

January 2021 Update: During the weekly Zoom Coffee Hour there was a great conversation about how we and our Church can continue to be a beacon of light in these times. The members of our congregation, council, and community that…

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angels small

Worship Services Christmas 2020 Online

Join us for our upcoming worship services on YouTube at CHRISTMAS EVE December 24, 2020 - German Service at 4:30 pm in German [PDF] led by Pastor Gerhard Hille CHRISTMAS EVE December 24, 2020 - English Service at 6:00…

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Farewell Vicar Silke Fahl

Watch Silke Fahl's Ordination in Germany on Saturday, January 16 , 2021  ... Ordination service of Silke Fahl on January 16, 2021 in the Urbani zu Heersum Church, Germany [PDF] Dec 18, 2020 - We will say goodbye to Vicar…

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2020 White paper Angel Ornaments

Angel Ornaments and Prayers by postal mail

Throughout the year we have been communicating with our congregational members in different ways- email, postal mail and Corona Care calls. Our 2020 Advent/Christmas newsletter was recently emailed to our MLC distribution list and sent out by postal mail. In…

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2020 Confirmation -group

Congratulations to our brand new confirmands!

Marlen Endruweit, Alex Boettcher, Erik Herrmann and Alba Klemenz were confirmed at Martin Luther Church Toronto on October 18, 2020. Congratulations to all of our brand new confirmands! Because of the corona pandemic extra precautions were taken.      

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