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Last updated on April 16th, 2015

2015 Church Picnic

T’was an enjoyable church picnic 2015!

We delighted in the sunshine! We sang the song "Geh aus mein Herz und suche Freud in dieser lieben Sommerzeit ..." (translated as " Go forth, my heart, and seek joy in this beautiful summertime …" ) a summer song…

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Daycare building NOW

News about the renovation of our Daycare

[Originally posted on our blog, Mar 28, 2015, Updates below] Thieves Break into Daycare of Martin Luther Church again It's the third time that burglars have broken into our daycare, stolen items and damaged it. The Martin Luther Church asks neighbours for…

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MLC at Camp Lutherlyn Tshirt Colours

Order your Camp Lutherlyn T-shirt now!

++Update: If you missed the t-shirt order deadline, don't worry. Tanya has extra t-shirts for sale, in a variety of colours and sizes. Contact Tanya at Order your Camp Lutherlyn T-shirt now! Order your very own MLC Camp Lutherlyn…

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2015 Easter Sunrise

Easter Sunrise 2015

It was the morning of Easter, when all along the lake not a creature was stirring but wait….. One car, two cars, three cars, four Five cars, six cars, seven and more They stop. Doors open and close. The cool…

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7. Good Friday: Day of the Jesus‘ Death, Symbol: Cross with Inscription, INRI stems from the Latin phrase 'Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum' meaning 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'. Flower: Rose = Triumph, Love, Markings of the wounds of Christ

You are welcome for Holy Week and Easter 2015

We will celebrate Holy Week and the days of Easter as a high point in the liturgical year at Martin Luther Church. All are welcome to attend our services. Wednesday, April 1:      6:00 pm German Lenten Service 7:00 pm English…

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Herzstück Kreuzweg St. Bruno, 2004, Oil on Canvas, artist Cynthia Tokaya

Lenten Services started February 18th

The Lenten Services started on Ash Wednesday, February 18, together with the Protestant congregations from the neighborhood in Mimico. What does a contemporary "way of the cross" look like? This question was discussed by the artist Cynthia Tokaya with a…

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2013 Christmas Play

We perform our Christmas Play 3rd of Advent, 11 am

This year's Christmas Play is called "Time Travel to Bethlehem". It goes like this. Every year children wait for Christmas but none of them want to go to church. They end up staying home alone without their parents. Although it is…

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2014 Christmas Bazaar - Public Poster

Christmas Bazaar, November 30, after service

Everyone is invited to the Christmas Bazaar: Mulled wine, handmade goods and candlelight, culinary treats and more will awaken your delight. Nice music, happy people everywhere, directly after our service downstairs. While family and friends gather and children play, you…

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2014 Bishop of the Eastern Synod Michael Pryse at Martin Luther Church

Inspiring visit from the bishop

The bishop of the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC, Michael Pryse, visited Martin Luther Church on Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014. After an inspiring service he came to the basement for question and answer. He enjoyed cookies and cakes provided by…

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2014 Kids and Families

Our Activities for Kids and Families

Whether you come to our church as a teenager, a kid or with the whole family, we want to celebrate, to pray, and share fellowship with you. Besides services, the Martin Luther Church provides many activities:   Sunday School Every…

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